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Measures and Networks

Our measures for Germany as a nation of skilled labour

Support on the way to vocational training

When making the transition to dual or school-based vocational training, the Employment Agency or the Job Centres offer appropriate support services. The services include both initial steps such as career counselling and practical career orientation, as well as very concrete placement in training and support for training with proven instruments of employment promotion (SGB III) or basic benefits for jobseekers (SGB II).

Being a "Continuing Education Nation" lays the ground for a nation of skilled labour

Getting fit for tomorrow's work through continuing education: that is Germany's main theme as a "skills nation". With a progressive National Skills Strategy and targeted funding opportunities, we want to influence and promote continuing vocational education and training.

Our network for more participation in continuing education

With our networks for continuing education, we are strengthening cooperation in regions and sectors with the aim of increasing the participation of SME employees in continuing education and training. In more than 50 networks, several companies and actors in the continuing education sector are cooperating with regional labour market actors. Further training measures are being planned based on demand and being organised in a resource-efficient manner across company boundaries. This gives SMEs in particular support with investing in the future and the employability of their employees.

INQA - the network for quality work

Securing skilled labour is much more successful when there is regional networking. The Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs supports regional networks with the INQA networking office: The Initiative New Quality of Work (INQA) supports companies, administrations and employees in a changing world of work. It promotes more quality work and generates new ideas in this field. It organises knowledge to be put in practice in companies and undertakes extensive networking activities.

The Initiative New Quality of Work was launched by the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. The aim of the initiative is to improve the quality of work – for companies and employees.

Initiative New Quality of Work (INQA)

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