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Sector dialogues
Sector dialogues bring together business, civil society, the social partners and policymakers to ensure fairness in global supply and value chains.
Skilled Labour Strategy: India
In Germany, skilled labour shortages are at risk of becoming a brake on growth and progress. Labour immigration is essential for Germany in order to mitigate the impacts of our ageing society and address the challenges of decarbonisation, digitalisation and globalisation.
МРОТ (Russian)
С 01 января 2015 г. в Германии действует общий установленный законом минимальный размер оплаты труда (МРОТ). МРОТ распространяется на всех работников в Германии. С 01 января 2024 г. МРОТ составляет 12,41 евро (до выче- та налогов и иных отчислений) в час и к 01 января 2025 г. будет повышен до 12,82 евро (до вычета налогов и иных отчислений) в час.
A minimálbér (Hungarian)
Németországban 2015. január 1-én lépett hatályba az általános minimálbérről szóló jogszabály, amely az országon belül minden munkavállalóra vonatkozik. A minimális órabér összege 2024. január 1-től (bruttó) 12,41 euró, 2025. január 1-től pedig (bruttó) 12,82 euróra emel- kedik.
Мінімальна заробітна плата (Ukrainian)
З 1 січня 2024 року вона становить 12,41 євро (брутто) за годину, а з 1 січня 2025 року зросте до 12,82 євро (брутто) за годину.
El salario mínimo (Spanish)
Desde el 1 de enero de 2015, existe en Alemania un salario general por ley, que se aplica a todos los trabajadores por cuenta ajena en dicho país. Desde el 1 de enero de 2024 el salario mínimo asciende a 12,41 euros (brutos) por hora trabajada y el 1 de enero de 2025 se elevará a 12,82 euros (brutos) por hora trabajada.
Asgari ücret (Turkish)
1 Ocak 2015 tarihi itibariyle Almanya’da genel asgari ücret uygulaması vardır. 1 Ocak 2024 itibariyle saatte (brüt) 12,41 Avro olup, 1 Ocak 2025 itibariyle saatte (brüt) 12,82 Avro olmak üzere artış gösterecektir.
Il salario minimo (Italian)
Dal 1° gennaio 2015 in Germania vige un salario minimo legale generale. Dal 1° gennaio 2024 ammonta a 12,41 Euro (lordi) l’ora, e con il 1° gennaio 2025 aumenterà a 12,82 Euro (lordi) per ogni ora di lavoro.
Ο Κατώτατος Μισθός (Greek)
Στην Γερμανία έχει τεθεί σε ισχύ από την 1η Ιανουαρίου 2015 o νομικά θεσμοθετημένος γενικός κατώτατος. Από τήν 1η ανουαρίου 2024 ανέρχεται σε 12,41 Ευρώ (μικτά) την ώρα και από 1η Ιανουαρίου 2025 θα αυξηθεί σε 12,82 Ευρώ (μικτά) την ώρα.
Le salaire minimum (French)
Le salaire minimum général légal est entré en vigueur en Allemagne au 1er janvier 2015. Depuis le 1er janvier 2024, son montant horaire brut est de 12,41 euros. Il passera à 12,82 euros au 1er janvier 2025.
минимална работна заплата (Bulgarian)
От 1 януари 2015 г. в Германия има важещо за всички отрасли задължително минимално трудово възнаграждение. То е в сила за всички работещи на територията на Германия. От 1 януари 2024 г. то е 12,41 евро (бруто) на час, като на 1 януари 2025 г. ще бъде повишено на 12,82 евро (бруто) на час.
Salariul minim pe economie (Romanian)
De la 1 ianuarie 2015 există în Germania un salariu minim legal general aplicabil. Începând din data de 1 ianu- arie 2024, salariul minim brut pe oră se ridică la 12,41 euro, iar de la data de 1 ianuarie 2025 acesta va fi majorat la 12,82 euro (brut).
Płaca minimalna (Polish)
W Niemczech od 1 stycznia 2015 roku obowiązuje powszechna ustawowa płaca minimalna. Od 1 stycznia 2024 r. minimalna stawka godzinowa wynosi 12,41 euro (brutto), a z dniem 1 stycznia 2025 r. ulegnie ona podwyższeniu do kwoty 12,82 euro (brutto) za przepracowaną godzinę.
The minimum wage
A general statutory minimum wage was introduced to protect workers in Germany from unreasonably low wages. The statutory minimum wage also contributes to fair and effective competition. At the same time it ensures greater stability in Germany’s social security systems.
Digitalisation Strategy: Public Employment and Social Protection Services
Most people in Germany have had dealings with an employment and social protection agency or authority at some point in their lives. So for us to be able to continue providing quality assistance and services well into the future, using digital technologies to align these to the needs of our users and reducing the effort involved in submitting and processing applications is of central importance.
Guideline for the core element Reporting
The members of the Sector Dialogue Automotive Industry have developed a series of guidelines for the five core elements of human rights due diligence (policy statement, risk analysis, measures and effectiveness tracking, reporting and grievance mechanism). The guidelines are self-contained and fully address the NAP requirements.
Guideline for the core element Grievance mechanism
The members of the Sector Dialogue Automotive Industry have developed a series of guidelines for the five core elements of human rights due diligence (policy statement, risk analysis, measures and effectiveness tracking, reporting and grievance mechanism). The guidelines are self-contained and fully address the NAP requirements.
Guideline for the core element Measures and effectiveness tracking
The members of the Sector Dialogue Automotive Industry have developed a series of guidelines for the five core elements of human rights due diligence (policy statement, risk analysis, measures and effectiveness tracking, reporting and grievance mechanism). The guidelines are self-contained and fully address the NAP requirements.
Guideline for the core element Risk analysis
The members of the Sector Dialogue Automotive Industry have developed a series of guidelines for the five core elements of human rights due diligence (policy statement, risk analysis, measures and effectiveness tracking, reporting and grievance mechanism). The guidelines are self-contained and fully address the NAP requirements.
Guideline for the core element Policy statement
The members of the Sector Dialogue Automotive Industry have developed a series of guidelines for the five core elements of human rights due diligence (policy statement, risk analysis, measures and effectiveness tracking, reporting and grievance mechanism). The guidelines are self-contained and fully address the NAP requirements.