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On this page you will find our English videos.



As part of the German G7 presidency, the G7 ministers for labor and employment met in Wolfsburg on May 24, 2022. At the meeting, concrete actions and joint steps towards a just transition and the creation of decent, high quality work for a green economy were agreed.





In regards to the German G7 presidency people were asked about occupational safety and health in times of of climate change.



Six months of EU Council Presidency – what has been achieved?



Federal Minister Heil talking about strengthening the social Europe.



Speech by Federal Minister Heil on the occasion of the German Presidency of the Council of the European Union 2020.



Good working conditions and stable labour markets are at the heart of the new OECD job strategy that was discussed at a high-level policy forum in Berlin.



A video produced by the 11th grade social studies advanced placement course of the Are-Gymnasium in Bad Neuenahr on the issue of "Integrating migrants and refugees into the labour market" on the occasion of the 2017 G20 Labour and Employment Ministers Meeting.



A video produced by the MSS 11 social studies advanced placement course of the Gymnasium Calvarienberg on the issue of "Improving the quality of female employment" on the occasion of the 2017 G20 Labour and Employment Ministers Meeting.



A video produced by class 10c of the Peter-Joerres-Gymnasium on the issue of "Shaping the future of work" on the occasion of the 2017 G20 Labour and Employment Ministers Meeting.