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International Employment and Social Policy

Against the backdrop of a strongly interconnected international community, labour and social policy questions are becoming more important internationally, too. The international work of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs aims to exchange experiences with international partners and to manage globalisation in accordance with social principles.

Germany is not the only country confronted with challenges such as demographic change, climate change, digital transformation and artificial intelligence, the labour market integration of migrants or a lack of skilled labour. Many of our key labour and social policy issues are also high on other countries' agendas. At both the political and the working levels, the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs thus keeps in close touch with other ministries, public authorities and social partners from its partner countries - within Europe and around the world.

In our globalised world, global trade and the international division of labour give rise to a number of challenges that Germany can only address together with its international partners. The COVID-19 pandemic with its impact on labour markets and worldwide income protection has again highlighted this point. 

The leading advanced economies have a special responsibility for human rights, social and environmental standards and occupational health and safety in global value chains. They can also make a contribution to enabling more people to have access to social protection. See our G7 focus on decent work worldwide for more information.

Examples of the international topics our ministry is advancing:

  • strengthening social protection protection around the world,
  • promoting a social dialogue between employers and workers (especially the social partners),
  • creating and safeguarding jobs,
  • implementing the standards of the International Labour Organization (ILO), especially the fundamental principles and rights at work (ILO core labour standards),
  • human rights and decent jobs in global value chains and
  • keeping the social and employment policy demands outlined above on the agenda in the global fiscal and economic policy context.

Also, international cooperation in the field of labour and social policy takes place bilaterally, meaning that two partners exchange expertise or negotiate an agreement. Examples of important bilateral meetings include intergovernmental consultations between two countries, during which the cabinets of both countries hold joint meetings. Moreover, delegations from various ministries meet with their international colleagues to discuss a broad range of issues. Each year our ministry welcomes numerous delegations from abroad and answers a great number of requests for information submitted by ministries, institutions and individuals from abroad.

In addition, the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs is involved in key multilateral formats such as the G7/G20. Our ministry also works together closely with international organisations and bodies such as the United Nations (UN), the International Labour Organization (ILO), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and the Council of Europe. Within the Federal Government, we are the lead ministry in charge of cooperation with the ILO. For more information on the ILO, the UN, the OECD, the OSCE and the Council of Europe click here.

Last year, Germany held the G7 presidency. Under the motto "Just transition: Make it work. Towards decent and high quality work in a green economy", we addressed the following issues:

  1. Ensuring employability in times of digital transformation, decarbonisation and demographic change,
  2. Improving health and safety at work,
  3. Strengthening universal social protections and
  4. Ensuring respect for human rights, labour standards and environmental standards in business operations and value chains.

Further Information