Persons with disabilities want to live their lives like persons without disabilities. They want to be mobile and able to deal with their day-to-day lives without outside help. That is their right. The Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany stipulates that no one may be discriminated against due to a disability. One of the fundamental tasks of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS), as the lead ministry on the issue, is to establish equality of opportunity for persons with disabilities and make it possible for them to participate as equals in society and the workplace. Legislation on equal opportunities for persons with disabilities (the BGG), legislation on the principle of equal treatment (the AGG), the Ninth Book of the Social Code (SGB IX) and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities provide the framework for this policy at national and international level.
For persons with disabilities, the ministry focuses on training and employment, rehabilitation, the strengthening of self-determination and equal participation in the life of society as well as the establishment of accessibility in the comprehensive sense. In the context of Germany's eGovernment Strategy in the area of inclusion and participation, the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs is also responsible for the internet platform.