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"The rights of persons with disabilities are non-negotiable!"

Germany’s Social Affairs Minister Hubertus Heil opens the European Regional Disability Summit in Berlin

Today, the European Regional Disability Summit (ERDS) is taking place in Berlin. It is co-hosted by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, the European Disability Forum (EDF), which represents European civil society, and the German Disability Council on behalf of German civil society. Federal Minister Hubertus Heil will welcome about 450 international guests from Europe and Central Asia, among them high-ranking members of governments and international organisations, as well as representatives of German and international organisations of persons with disabilities and social welfare associations.

The European Regional Disability Summit aims to boost international cooperation and to persuade stakeholders to present concrete commitments at the Global Disability Summit on 2 and 3 April 2025, which will also be held in Berlin.

For me, the right of persons with disabilities to participate in all areas of life remains non-negotiable. It is a good thing that we have adopted the Act on an Inclusive Labour Market and the Act for More Accessibility. I continue to stand by the Act on Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities that I put forward, which is designed to protect persons with disabilities from exclusion and degrading treatment. However, laws are not everything. In times of political unrest, a strong national and international civil society may be even more crucial. That is why today’s debates at the European Regional Disability Summit are so important.

The European Regional Disability Summit is a milestone in ensuring that European governments and organisations show their commitment to our rights. The participation of representative organisations of persons with disabilities in the ERDS is a positive step. I expect this to result in concrete commitments and genuine improvements.

We must use the European Regional Disability Summit to support and advance the implementation of global commitments regarding future policies for persons with disabilities in the areas of health, education, employment, humanitarian action and stronger civil societies, including the rights of women.

 You can download the draft Outcome Document here, which summaries the recommendations of the regional pre-summit. 

Here you can find more information on the European Regional Disability Summit and on the livestream options.