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Close cooperation with Swedish EU Council Presidency agreed

State Secretary Dr Rolf Schmachtenberg meets Swedish counterpart Martin Andreasson

BMAS/D. Baller

Martin Andreasson, State Secretary at the Swedish Ministry of Employment, together with State Secretary Dr Rolf Schmachtenberg.

State Secretary Dr Rolf Schmachtenberg held bilateral talks with his Swedish counterpart Martin Andreasson, State Secretary at the Swedish Ministry of Employment, at the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs in Berlin on 30 January 2023.

The exchange of views focused on the priorities of the Swedish EU Council Presidency, which began on 1 January 2023. Important dossiers are on the agenda for the next six months: the proposal for a Directive on improving working conditions in platform work, the recent initiative to strengthen social dialogue in Europe, but also occupational safety and health as well as the skills required for a changing labour market.

State Secretary Dr Schmachtenberg welcomed the priorities and also the ambitions of the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union and, together with his counterpart Mr Andreasson, reaffirmed the will to continue to work closely together and to jointly advance the European initiatives.

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