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Save the Date - 25th International Metropolis Conference - September 2022 in Berlin

From 4-9 September 2022, Berlin will be the hub of the international discussion on migration and integration when it hosts the 25th International Metropolis Conference at the bcc Berlin Congress Center. The Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs will organise the conference together with the International Metropolis Steering Committee.

Metropolis International is the world's largest network for exchanging knowledge about migration and integration issues. The network promotes beneficial cooperation between academics, policy-makers and civil society actors. It uses research findings to provide support for policy-making and how society deals with migration and its impact. Since 1996, the highlight of the network's efforts has been the International Metropolis Conferences. At the conferences, academics, policy-makers and representatives from civil society organisations have a lively exchange of ideas.

The theme of the Berlin conference will be "Changing migration, migration in change". The focus will be on the impact on migration of the COVID-19 pandemic, technological and climate change. Another key topic of the conference will be the question of how migration processes can be shaped in a fair and sustainable way. Answers to these questions will be sought in high-level panel discussions accompanied by an interesting programme with international workshops and bilateral and multilateral symposiums. In September 2021, a pre-conference programme will start that leads up to the conference.

Detailed information will be made available on the conference website on 1 July 2021. The call for proposals for the conference workshops will start on 1 November 2021 and is expected to end on 31 January 2022. Interested participants can register on the conference website from 1 March 2022 (early bird until 31 May 2022). A participation fee will be charged for the conference. The conference language is English (with interpreting for French and German).

The International Metropolis Project is an international network of researchers, policy makers, and community groups engaged in identifying, understanding, and responding to developments in migration and diversity.


Jürgen Schröder
Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
Head of the organisation team of the International Metropolis Conference 2022 - Berlin
Email: imcb22@bmas.bund.de

Anne Güller-Frey
Tür an Tür – Integrationsprojekte gGmbH
Organising team (liaison with ISC)
Email: imcb22@bmas.bund.de 

Tara Käsmeier
ebb Entwicklungsgesellschaft für berufliche Bildung mbH
Organisation team (Impacts of COVID-19 on migration)
Email: imcb22@bmas.bund.de

Juliane Keßler
ebb Entwicklungsgesellschaft für berufliche Bildung mbH
Organisation team (Technological and climate change - impacts on migration)
Email: imcb22@bmas.bund.de

Fabienne Braukmann

ebb Entwicklungsgesellschaft für berufliche Bildung mbH
Organisation team (Fair conditions for migration)
Email: imcb22@bmas.bund.de