The sixth German-Japanese Tripartite Meeting was held in Berlin from 13 - 15 January 2020. The talks between high-ranking representatives of the labour ministries, trade unions and employers' associations of the two countries focused on topical labour market issues. State Secretary Böhning explained: As industrialised countries with ageing societies in an increasingly digital world, we are confronted with common challenges. That is why I am pleased that our governments, along with the social partners, view both the opportunities and the challenges brought about by these changes in a very similar manner and are searching for solutions together. Strong social partners are a crucial foundation for successful labour market policies.
The two sides discussed the changes in the world of work and also talked about the opportunities of flexible work arrangements as well as about initial and continuing education and training.
The Japanese guests from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, the umbrella trade union organisation Rengo and the employers' association Keidanren also used their stay in Berlin to learn more about company practice in Germany. During visits to a BMW motorcycle plant and to the Berliner Wasserbetriebe, a large water company, the visitors from Japan discussed flexible work arrangements and the integration of migrants. The talks will be continued.