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Good cooperation with Viet Nam - State Secretary Schmachtenberg meets with Vietnamese Labour Minister Dao

During a visit to Germany, Vietnamese Minister of Labour Dao Ngoc Dung met with State Secretary Dr. Rolf Schmachtenberg at the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. The relationship between Germany and Viet Nam is particularly close due to our history. The support of the many Vietnamese citizens has been and remains important for the German labour market, State Secretary Rolf Schmachtenberg said at the beginning of the exchange of ideas.

The discussion focused primarily on training and skilled labour migration. Other topics included the current reforms in Viet Nam in the area of labour law and issues relating to the ratification of the EU Trade Agreement and the structure of social security systems in Viet Nam and Germany.

Viet Nam is experiencing rapid demographic and social change. By 2018 its population had grown to about 97 million (compared to about 60 million in 1986). Today, 70 percent of the population is under 35 years of age, and unemployment is low. At the same time, the society is ageing. The emerging middle class currently accounts for 13 percent of the population, but is expected to reach 26 percent by 2026 according to World Bank forecasts.

As a result of this, the further expansion of social security systems in Vietnam is becoming increasingly important and its interest in an international exchange of ideas on employment and social policy issues is growing.