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Delegation from Indonesia visits the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

On 7 May 2018, Hamka Haq, a Member of the Indonesian Parliament, visited the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and was welcomed by Parliamentary State Secretary Kerstin Griese. They discussed the German laws and reforms related to persons with disabilities, especially the Federal Participation Act and the Act on Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities.

Another focus of their meeting was instruments and measures facilitating the labour market inclusion of persons with disabilities. In this context, Mr Haq asked about sanctions against companies required to fill at least five percent of their positions with persons with disabilities. If companies located in Germany do not meet this requirement, they must pay a compensation levy. The revenue from this levy funds instruments such as inclusion companies.

Haq reported on current developments in Indonesia in the area of inclusion, for example a law adopted in 2016 that improves the political rights of persons with disabilities and strengthens accessibility. Both sides stressed that they would continue their dialogue.