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Talks with Bulgaria on future cooperation

Parliamentary State Secretary Gabriele Lösekrug-Möller welcomed Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Policy Zornitsa Rusinova of Bulgaria to the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs for talks on 29 June 2017. The subject of the talks was the continuation of the cooperation between the two ministries.

Since 2012 there has been a joint declaration of intent on cooperation, which is implemented through a concrete work programme. At regular meetings experts from both ministries exchange ideas on relevant topics. The most recent meeting took place in Sofia in June 2017 and dealt with the labour market integration of people with disabilities. The existing work programme will run until the end of 2017. The work done so far has provided a solid foundation and I am confident that our two ministries will continue to work together well in the future, said Parliamentary State Secretary Lösekrug-Möller. The integration of the long-term unemployed into the labour market, equal opportunities for women and men and the inclusion of people with disabilities were mentioned as possible topics for a new program.