On 28 June 2016 State Secretary Yasmin Fahimi welcomed a delegation from the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China to the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. Vice-Minister Gu Zhaoxi was particularly interested in the institutional and federal structure of Germany and the role of non-governmental organisations in Germany.
In Germany, we regard a permanent exchange with organisations of civil society as an important prerequisite for forming political opinions and political will as well as for a good implementation of policy measures. In the field of labour market and social policy, above all the social partners of business and labour play a prominent role
, State Secretary Fahimi emphasized. She advocated the involvement of civil society and the benefits it has for society as a whole.
In China, there is an ongoing debate on the role of non-governmental organisations which also affects the Ministry of Civil Affairs. The ministry's responsibilities include welfare policy as well as employment and social policy for particularly disadvantaged groups.