On 23 November 2015, State Secretary Thorben Albrecht welcomed Cirilo Guillermo Sosa Flores, Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Security for the Republic of Paraguay, to the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. Initial and continuing vocational education and training for young people and occupational safety and health were the focus of the discussion.
Minister Sosa explained how his ministry has been newly established during the current term of office under President Cartes. He displayed a keen interest in the institutional structures of labour market policy in Germany, especially with regard to boosting youth employment and the German system of vocational education and training. In Paraguay, the ministry has set up a round table on the topic of vocational education and training in order to actively involve employers and trade unions in the development of a new, sustainable model as part of a three-way dialogue, explained Sosa.
State Secretary Albrecht welcomed the initiative and underlined the importance of the involvement and participation of all actors in the system of initial and continuing vocational education and training in Germany. This is a key success factor, he stated, in ensuring that institutional arrangements are also tailored to actual labour market requirements. He also explained the structure of occupational safety and health in Germany and the responsibilities involved in this field.
Minister Sosa and State Secretary Albrecht expressed a mutual interest in continuing dialogue between their respective ministries at working level.