- Date of birth:
- 17 August 1979 in Konstanz
- Nationality:
- German, Swiss
- Professional background:
- Degree in Public Administration
- 1999 to 2005 studies of Public Administration at Potsdam University
- 2001 to 2002 ERASMUS scholarship at the Unversitá degli Studi di Perugia/ Italy
- 1999 university entrance qualification, Alexander von Humboldt-Gymnasium, Konstanz
Political Career
- Since February 2022 Permanent State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
- 2018 to 2022 Head of Political Staff at the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
- 2014 to 2018 Head of Division (Cabinet and Parliamentary Division) at the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
- 2011 to 2014 Representative for Labour and Social Affairs at the Representation of the Land of Baden-Württemberg to the Federation
- 2009 to 2011 policy officer for the Social Democrat’s parliamentary group at the office of the deputy parliamentary party leader Hubertus Heil, MP
- 2007 to 2009 Personal Secretary to the Secretary-General of the Executive Board of the German Social Democrats (SPD)
- 2005 to 2007 political communications manager at the Berlin office of Serco GmbH