Date of birth: 19 February 1971
Place of birth: Karlsruhe
Education and professional career
- 1990 to 1997: Studies of political science, sociology and economics at the University of Augsburg (Magister Artium)
- 1994: Studies abroad at the University of London (SOAS)
- 1990: University entrance qualification, Gymnasium Ulm-Wiblingen
Political Career
- Since March 2018 Permanent State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
- End of 2017 to March 2018: Head of the directorate responsible for "Environment, Climate, Bioeconomy" at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
- 2017: Head of the "Political Coordination" staff at the Federal Foreign Office
- 2016 to 2017: Head of the directorate responsible for the "Office of the Minister, Political Planning" at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
- 2014 to 2016: Head of division responsible for "Political Coordination" at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
- 2009 to 2014 Coordinating policy officer for economic and labour market policy for the Bundestag parliamentary group of Social Democratic Party
- 1999 to 2009: policy officer at the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
- 1998 to 1999: Policy officer with the SPD’s Executive Board