
Information from the BMAS for those affected by the war in Ukraine

Information from the BMAS for those affected by the war in Ukraine

Skilled Labour

Germany is a nation of innovators, craftsmen and skilled workers. Find out what we have planned to ensure that working as a skilled worker has a future in Germany, thus securing the skilled labour needed by companies.


European Funds

On April 24, 2024, following approval from the European Commission and the Council of the European Union, the European Parliament approved the German application for support for dismissed employees of Vallourec Deutschland GmbH from the European Globalization Adjustment Fund for displaced workers (EGF).


A conference by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of Germany and the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, in collaboration with the European Labour Authority (ELA).


On 26 April, State Secretary Dr Rolf Schmachtenberg participated (via video conference) in the ministerial summit on social policy held in Kyiv. The summit meeting focused on social policy reforms in Ukraine and Moldova.

Main Topics

Websites of other projects

Translated information about the minimum wage

The minimum wage (Englisch)

Płaca minimalna (Polnisch)

Salariul minim pe economie (Rumänisch)

минимална работна заплата (Bulgarisch)

Le salaire minimum (Französisch)

Ο Κατώτατος Μισθός (Griechisch)

Il salario minimo (Italienisch)

Asgari ücret (Türkisch)

El salario mínimo (Spanisch)

Мінімальна заробітна плата (Ukrainisch)

A minimálbér (Ungarisch)




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