Information from the BMAS for those affected by the war in Ukraine
Information from the BMAS for those affected by the war in Ukraine
Our plans for Germany as a nation of skilled labour
Germany is a nation of innovators, craftsmen and skilled workers. Find out what we have planned to ensure that working as a skilled worker has a future in Germany, thus securing the skilled labour needed by companies.
Working together to bolster human rights
State Secretary Lilian Tschan welcomed Dr. Volker Türk, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, to the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs on 18 December 2024.
State Secretary Lilian Tschan meets India’s new ambassador Ajit Gupte
State Secretary Lilian Tschan welcomed Ajit Gupte, India’s new ambassador, for talks at the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs on 13 December 2024.
EGF representatives from the EU member states visit Düsseldorf
For the first time, the European Commission's annual meeting with EGF contact persons from the 27 Member States of the European Union took place in Germany.
Main Topics
Supply Chain Act
The Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains regulates the responsibility of German enterprises to respect human rights and environmental protection in global supply chains.
Migration from third countries
Learn more about the measures of the German Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs in terms of Immigration to the European Union, refugees and asylum as well as Skilled labour in Germany.
Working in another EU country
Residents of a Member State of the European Union have the right to freely choose their place of work within the EU and to have access to social benefits.
Minimum Wage
The general statutory minimum wage is the minimum wage level, which may not be undercut. It was introduced to protect workers in Germany from unreasonably low wages.
Websites of other projects
European Social Fund
The European Social Fund is active everywhere people are striving to improve their job prospects.
"Make it in Germany"
The Internet portal bundles all the key information about making a career and living in Germany.
Corporate Social Responsibility in Germany
"Corporate social responsibility" is about a company's responsibility for society in the sense of sustainable business practices.
Translated information about the minimum wage
The minimum wage
Płaca minimalna (Polish)
Salariul minim pe economie (Romanian)
минимална работна заплата (Bulgarian)
Le salaire minimum (French)
Ο Κατώτατος Μισθός (Greek)
Il salario minimo (Italian)
Asgari ücret (Turkish)
El salario mínimo (Spanish)
Мінімальна заробітна плата (Ukrainian)
A minimálbér (Hungarian)
МРОТ (Russian)