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Bilateral social security agreements outside the European Union

The economic interdependence of highly-developed industrialised nations necessitates the expansion of legal relations between the Federal Republic of Germany and other states in the area of social security.

The economic interdependence of highly-developed industrialised nations and the resultant exchange of labour, the employment of foreign nationals in the Federal Republic of Germany and international tourism all necessitate the expansion of legal relations between the Federal Republic of Germany and other states in the area of social security.

Agreements that are concluded on the basis of reciprocity and the equal treatment of the nationals of both countries serve this purpose. Such agreements make sure that social protection is also ensured during stays or periods of residence in the other contracting state. A number of agreements that had been concluded in the past have since been superseded by the provisions of Regulation (EC) 883/2004 because the respective state has entered the European Union.